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15 Oct 2016

Enough Solar Energy To Power 1 Million Homes

A California company is planning on building the largest solar power plant in the world. The power plant, which is planned to be built in Nevada, will cost $5 billion and will be able to generate between 1,500 and 2,000 MW of power. That is enough energy to power 1 million homes.

This project should create about 3,000 jobs for almost a decade! With demand growing for clean, renewable energy, this is a perfect outlet for California’s job market. Along with creating thousands of jobs, the plant that is planned to be built is completely emission free.

For more information on this project, please visit:

01 Jul 2016

Solar-Powered Airplane

A breaking new solar-technology is now in the works. A plane running purely on solar power is being tested in Long Island, New York. The goal here Is to have perpetual flight according to the CEO of Luminati Aerospace in Calverton. This technology is almost guaranteed to revolutionize the aircraft industry. The company is planning to hire around 800 people during the next two to three years.

The company eventually wishes to partner with a bigger company in hopes of better, faster expansion into this new technology. Luminati plans to have a second airplane completed before the end of 2017.

For more information on this project, go to

11 Jun 2016

Solar Powered Cellphone Charger

Having a cellphone in this day and age is a complete necessity. Even for migrants crossing the Mediterranean and coming to Greece in search of a better life. But which such a long journey ahead, how do these people keep their cellphones charged? This is where a Greece-based solar technology company comes in. A company is called Entec and they have developed a solar powered cellphone charging station. This technology is able to charge hundreds of phone per day. And the best part? It’s all free of charge. Currently, the company has only produced two units, but wants to aim much higher than that. Using money raised from a crowdfunding campaign, their plan is to reach all the camps around Greece to provide help to people on making the journey a little easier.

To read more about this story, please visit

Photo credit: The Huffington Post

30 May 2016

Using Nanotechnology for Solar Power

Researchers at MIT have developed a new experimental solar cell which could possibly improve and enhance solar power efficiency. By placing the cells one on top of another, researchers are able to reduce energy loss which is a common problem with most solar cells.

However, when we talk about heat, it has nothing beneficial to offer solar cells. The solar cells have nano-tubes built into them that conver heat to visible light. This light is then used by the solar panels.

More research is still needed and researchers are still testing these cells. For more information, please visit

09 May 2016
Floating Solar Panels

New Floating Solar Panels To Generate Green Power

Floating solar panels located in the Yamakura Dam reservoir in Japan’s Chiba Prefecture are stirring up environemental interest world wide. Renewable energy developers are planning to have almost 60,000 panels floating on top of the reservoir. That’s enougloatih solar power to genergate around 5,000 homes.

Floating solar panels are not just popular in Japan. They are spreading accross the globe with operations in Austrailia and the United States.

Not only do these solar panels produce green, renewable energy, but they also have other benefits. They help keep the water in the reservoir from evaporating, and the water cools down the solar panels making them more efficient than land-based panels.

For more information on this new technology, visit

20 Apr 2016
Fossil Fuels

Renewable Energy Out Ranks Fossil Fuels

We are seeing for the first time that renewable sources of energy, such as solar power, are becoming a majority of new electricity-generating capacity added around the world. This great news came from a study from the United Nations saying that more than half the $286 billion invested in wind, solar and other renewable energy occurred in emerging markets like China, India and Brazil — also for the first time. These numbers come as great news for the future of renewably energy as it seems we will be able to replace highly carbon-intensive coal and other fossil fuels.

Not only does switching to renewable energy sources help the planet, but it will also have extraordinary health benefits to people and animals around the world. An analysis by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) found that widespread solar adoption would significantly reduce nitrous oxides, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter emissions, all of which can cause health problems.2

For more information, please read more from our friends at



01 Apr 2016

South Africa’s Solar Power Progress

Africa now reportedly installed solar solutions in 14 African countries. Unfortunately, these resources have not been evenly distributed. Only 2 in 5 people have access to a reliable supply of energy throughout the day. Overall, 625 million people are without power in sub-Saharan Africa alone — that’s 68 percent of the population, according to the International Energy Agency.


Major investments are underway. The World Bank’s Africa Energy project portfolio currently carries 48 projects totaling US$3 billion. Ugandan energy company Umeme is reportedly dedicating $80 million dollars to upgrading its network. And Kenya could house the largest wind farm in Africa if the 40,000-acre Lake Turkana Wind Power Project is completed.

It’s not just institutions that are providing relief, but even wealthy individuals: Hip hop artist Akon announced plans to help provide electricity to some 600 million Africans without power in 2015.

And finally, the world’s largest concentrated solar power plant was switched on in Morocco in February 2016, harnessing the power of the African sun.


For more information on the solar power progress of Africa please visit

06 Nov 2015

Learn Facts About Our Sun


Let’s face it, without the Sun there would not only not be human life on Earth but there would be no solar power either. The Sun is the central figure in our solar system and the source of all light and heat billions of miles outward. The Sun is an exciting and massive ball of gas that is studied intensely by scientists and we’ve learned a great deal about our host star over the last couple of decades. Here are a few fun facts related to the Sun.


Looking up into the sky one can easily determine that the Sun is much larger than the Earth. Figuring out how much larger however can be difficult for the layperson. To put things in perspective size wise, try to remember that if it were possible to do so one could place over 1 million Earth’s inside of the Sun and still have room left over. When trying to determine just how much larger the Sun is than the Earth it’s also important to remember that Sun’s surface area is nearly 12,000 times that of the Earth’s.


When looking up at the Sun one also thinks of how old our star is and just how long it will “burn”. In truth the Sun isn’t burning anything at all but rather fusing atoms together and in the process creating heavier elements through nuclear fusion. That said the Sun will eventually run out of hydrogen which it’s converting now. Once that happens it will begin fusing helium into even heavier elements like carbon and oxygen. Once the Sun has converted all of it’s hydrogen into helium the Sun’s outer layers will both cool and expand a great deal. As these the outer layers of the Sun grow our star will eventually consume Mercury, Venus, and even Earth. This is known as the red giant phase in the life of a star like our own. This phase follows the main sequence phase of all stars and in a star like the Sun this phase will last for millions of years.


So what happens at the end of the Sun’s red giant phase? Our star is a yellow dwarf and therefore does not have the mass necessary to explode as a supernova. Instead near the end of its red giant phase the Sun will begin pulsating and shed its outer layers off into space creating a planetary nebula. One can look into the night sky with a telescope or even strong binoculars and view planetary nebula like the crab nebula or the cats eye nebula to get a good idea of what the Sun’s nebula will look like it approximately 7 to 8 million years. Once the Sun has shed its outer layers only the core of our star will remain. This core is known as a white dwarf and will steadily cool over billions of years eventually becoming a black dwarf, a very heavy and dark solar remnant.


The Sun certainly looks round to the unaided eye and it actually is very close to a perfect sphere, unlike the Earth which is an oblate spheroid. Some stars bulge get their center and some are egg shaped but our Sun is the closest thing to a perfect sphere we have observed in space. In fact there’s only a 10 km difference in its polar diameter when compared to its equatorial diameter.


Many people are shocked to learn that the light we see is actually eight minutes old. The Sun is, on average, roughly 93,000,000 miles away from the Earth and it takes like eight minutes to travel from its surface to our planet. This means you’re seeing the Sun as it was eight minutes ago and this should help put distances in space and perspective. Nothing travels faster than light which moves at about 186,000 miles per second which from our perspective is a great distance though for light its a hop skip and a jump.


Most of us know that the moon revolves around the Earth and that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Few people however are aware that the Sun actually orbits something as well. The Sun and our entire solar system orbits the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy every 225 to 250 million years. Our Sun and all the planets are moving around the galaxy at an incredible 485,912 miles per hour.

(Photo credit goes to

11 Oct 2015
Leading By Example Solar Power

Leading By Example: Solar Power

Reliance on fossil fuels is slowly becoming a thing of the past. While in years past the move away from fossil fuels was much slower modern technologies such as solar power are making that move easier and faster for all involved. While the technology and benefits surrounding solar power are certainly attractive many of its adopters utilize it in order to lead by example. Solar power is no longer something that only the wealthy can afford nor is it something that only “hippies” want to use. The truth of the matter is that solar power is being adopted by homeowners who want to demonstrate that solar power can not only save homeowners money but allow them to do something good for the environment as well. Utilizing solar power also helps preserve natural resources.

Homeowners who elect to have a modern solar power installed at their home will enjoy a multitude of benefits. These benefits include going green, reduction of their monthly energy costs, and immediate and often very valuable rebates. In fact there are very substantial financial rebates for any California homeowner who has a solar power system installed at their home. While there is certainly some paperwork for homeowners to complete prior to receiving the state rebates, many solar power contractors get that process started and/or help homeowners fill out the paperwork quickly. In some cases the state will front a portion or the cost of installation in order to put solar power in the hands of homeowners. Stored and unused solar power can often be sold back to local power companies as well.

Of course the most popular reason for adopting solar power, at least amongst homeowners, is the reduction of their monthly energy costs and consumption. The amount of money a homeowner and his/her family saves by utilizing solar power depends largely on the type of system they have installed. Obviously the more expensive and elaborate a system is the more energy it can collect, convert, and store for use but even the most modest of modern solar power systems will help homeowners reduce their monthly electric bills dramatically. Modern families utilize a large variety of different electrical appliances ranging from old standards like a washer and dryer to more modern ones such as computers, large television sets, and mobile devices. Solar power allows homeowners and their families to utilize these appliances regularly without the fear of having to pay an exorbitant sum for doing so at the end of the month.

If there’s any downside to having a solar power system installed at a home it has to be the initial purchasing and installation costs. While the rapid advancements in and rising popularity of the technology have helped drive costs way down in recent years these initial costs can often disuade some homeowners, even those with deep pockets. Homeowners need to keep in mind however that despite its sometimes high initial costs, solar power systems begin paying for themselves immediately. Not only by reducing energy costs but by way of rebates and tax breaks as well. Homeowners should also remember to find out if they qualify for financing that will cover the initial costs of set up. The initial costs associated with producing and installing a solar power system may seem steep to homeowners but keeping in mind all of the aforementioned things the purchase of a solar power system should be more than justified.

20 Sep 2015

Solar Power: What to Expect

Solar Power: What to ExpectIt is interesting to note that eighty five percent of all solar power systems in the United States are installed within the borders of California. There were many reasons California has seen such tremendous interest and growth with regards solar power though perhaps none are more prevalent than the many benefits that come along with having a solar power system installed there. More so than any other state, California offers both home and business owners a number of tax benefits and rebates to those who elect to have solar power installed at their home or place of business. Furthermore and in many cases the state of California can assist in covering as much as 40% of the initial costs associated with solar power installation.

In addition to being one of the largest pro-solar power states in the entire Union, California has one of the largest environmentally friendly and conscious populations. More so than any other state a large portion of California’s residents and business owners want to take advantage of solar power not so much for the financial benefits associated with it but rather to help reduce their carbon footprint and to do something friendly for the planet. This fact alone is thought by some to be the primary driving force behind the sharp rise in solar power popularity within the state.

Home and business owners in California who elect to move forward with a solar power purchase will begin the process by searching for a reliable and trusted solar power vendor as well as installation experts. In many cases those that make solar power systems available are also installation experts and can address all of an individuals solar power needs. After a consultation with a solar power expert an individual can expect to receive a visit from a representative of the company they been speaking with. This representative will carefully inspect their home or place of business to determine exactly where solar panels need to be placed for maximum efficiency and aesthetic purposes. Individuals can also expect the professionals they are dealing with to go over their current energy bills and compare them with their forecasted bills in order to help them understand exactly how much they will be saving. Once the consultation, bill review, and visit have all been completed the solar power experts an individual has selected will help them obtain and submit building permits as well as the paperwork necessary for tax credits and rebates. They will also likely go over any warranties that are included in a solar power system that they’ve either sold and/or are installing.

As with anything in life there are pros and cons to solar power, though the pros far outweigh the cons especially when you consider how rapid the technology surrounding solar power has advanced. Home and business owners that utilize solar panels will consume far less fuel than they ever have, will receive state tax breaks and rebates, may receive financial assistance to help them cover the cost of installation, and will be doing something fantastic for the environment. The only real cons attached to solar power these days are the initial cost of installation and just how effective solar panels are for homes and commercial structures that reside in climates that don’t see the sun very often. The decision to have solar panels installed at home or place of business usually isn’t a difficult one to make though the aforementioned things need to be considered and evaluated before any final decision is made.